I knew it would be a challenge but I didn't realize how much I would have preferred herding cats to teaching library instruction for basketball students until it was done. Seventeen basketball players in the classroom and I was the only adult. Technically they are also adults but believe me, they do not behave like adults.
I made it fun. We used basketball as our search topic. It's something they all have an interest in so I knew I could keep them engaged in what we were doing. We searched Google for our favorite basketball players, we searched EBSCO & Infotrac for full articles on basketball, we looked for books on basketball and even looked at NBC Learn for videos about basketball. And I showed them how to find citations to make their lives easier.
Did they learn anything? Who knows. Did they take me seriously? Not likely. Did they have fun? I think so. They did get all excited when we found a video on NBC Learn about a one armed basketball player.
It was an adventure for sure and it made me very happy to go home to my house full of girls.